FREE ADULT DAY: Wonder Place
SoMa After Dark: 5pm The businesses of SoMa would like to invite you to bring your friends and families down to our monthly SoMa After Dark event to celebrate our diverse community. See the alphabetical list below to find out what is going on at each location.
Food Truck Friday: 5-9pm — Stone’s Throw Brewing
TEDxUAMS: 9am-5pm UAMS
Cookie Decorating Class: 11am-1pm: Dempsey Bakery
Keto 4 week series (free!): 1pm Natural Grocers
Unexpected Beauty & Challenges Art by Nataliia Lamanova: Opening Reception 6-9pm
Unexpected Beauty & Challenges Art by Nataliia Lamanova: 2pm – Conversation with the digital Russian artist Nataliia.
Mother & Son Night at the Museum: 5pm Museum of Discovery
After hours admission, a kid friendly meal and a science show. *Registration required.
Judicial Election: Why They Matter to You: 3-5pm UALR Bowen School of Law
Judges influence almost every area of our lives, including, but not limited to traffic, environmental, family law, criminal law, civil litigation, administrative and constitutional law. How laws are interpreted and applied are two of the key responsibilities of a judge.
“Forgotten Little Rock: Celebrating our Architectural Heritage”: 2pm Old State House Museum Riverfront Room
Interested in learning about housing of all kinds from the humblest to the wealthiest with a special emphasis on the Central High neighborhood.
Create a Website You Love: 10:30am Free virtual class by Rock City Ditial. *registration required.
Music & Movement (kid + parent): 10:30-11am: Wonder Place
Lets fight Arkansas Hunger together: 6-7pmStone’s Throw Brewing
Glenn Miller Orchestra: 7pm Robinson Center *tickets required
Adult Watercolor Class: 6-7:30pm Fletcher Library
Sushi Making Class: 6:30-10pm St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
Looking for something different to do on your next night out with your loved one or friends? We are SO excited to announce that Executive Chef Gilbert Alaquinez will be teaching a fun, hands-on sushi making class with proceeds going to benefit Central Arkansas Montessori. Chef Alaquinez has more than twenty years of experience and has been Creative Director and Executive Chef for places such as Kemuri, Clinton Foundation (42 Bar and Table), Peabody, Governor’s Mansion, and many others! As an added bonus, childcare will be available as well! See link for pricing, and times of each class. *reservation requires.
Pasta Class with Chef Amanda Ivy: 11am-1pm Eggshells Kitchen Co *tickets required
Galentine’s Baking with Kelli Marks: 6-8pm: Eggshells Kitchen Co *tickets required
Share the Love Fundraiser: 6-8pm Cache Restaurant
Join Lisa Fischer and friends at a Pre-Valentine’s Party and Silent Auction The Gaines House provides a safe and supportive transitional residence for homeless women with mental, physical, or behavioral health disabilities, and work to empower them achieve independence. *Tickets Required.
Thomas Abt – “Bleeding Out”: 6pm Clinton School
Thomas Abt is a senior fellow at the Council on Criminal Justice. Previously, he served as a policymaker in Barack Obama’s Justice Department and worked for New York governor Andrew Cuomo, overseeing all criminal justice and homeland security agencies in the state. Both in the United States and globally, Abt writes, teaches, and studies the use of evidence-informed approaches to reduce urban violence, among other criminal justice topics. Celebrate his new book with him.