“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who eers, who comes short again and again…while daring greatly…”
Theodore roosevelt
New year, new you. I don’t really believe that as I am the same person today as I was 4 days ago but my intentions and drive might be different. Brene Brown’s ‘Call to Courage’ on Netflix is one of my favorite things to watch. You’ll be laughing one minute, cheering her on, and then overwhelmed by emotion the next. She mentions Theodore Roosevelt’s quote from above as her turning point to vulnerability and courage. We might all feel the need to be greater, to do more, to live up to our highest potential. I know I do. In order to be in the arena of risk, failure, and reward, I need to create some habits and be intentional.
One habit that I’m implementing this year to help me get one step closer to my dream of successfully supporting myself and my daughter is to write down my daily wins, read over my dreams, and take note of what will make tomorrow a successful. Upon reading them in the morning, I plan on jumping in the arena to make them happen. To take a new small step to achieve them. Who is with me?
Dr. Matthews, professor at the Dominican University of California, did a study with over 250 participants that produced the results that said you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.
Grant Cardone, author of The 10x Rule, writes his goals down once in the morning and again at night every day. There is a connection in the brain between visualizing your goal and physically writing them down.
I would love to know: What do you plan to write down in order to make 2020 the best year yet? What one step would alter your course just enough to make this year different from the last? What goals are you setting out to achieve?